jueves, 21 de enero de 2016

The enormus and incredible crash of cars

I was watching youtube and i saw a very shocking video about a car crash.One car was driving very fast,because he was in a race. Another car was trying to reach the car in front , but the man who was trying to reach the car in front exploded , because of the speed. The car in front was distracted with the explosion and crashed with the first car. The first car went flying,while the wheels of it fall. The car landed another car , and lost control,crashing with the wall. At the end of the video the ambulance was trying to get the people out of the car, when the car fell down on top of the rescuers.Nobody dyed,but in the crash all the people involved got injured.The people who were watchin on the banks were surprise because nobody died.At the end of the race nobody won, because all lost control.
Resultado de imagen para the enormous and incredible crash of cars


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