jueves, 21 de enero de 2016

Oppau explosion

The explosion generated a balance left 500 people dead and over 2,000 injured. It destroyed 80% of buildings Oppau, and formed a crater 125 meters long and 19 meters deep. The explosion was heard more than 300 kilometers away.

BASF plant in Oppau, Germany, producing ammonium sulphate, but for the lack of sulfur in the First World War, changed its production of ammonium nitrate.
Ammonium nitrate is hygroscopic, which makes mixing with ammonium sulfate product previous plant, and under the pressure of its own weight in a storage silo, becomes a plaster-like solid.
Workers had to use picks to remove material from the silos. It was against this problem decided to use small amounts of dynamite to loosen the material from silo 4500 tons of ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate had solidified.
The explosive nature of ammonium nitrate made this not a good idea.
Paulina Romero.

Collision between truck and patrol leaves 6 injured

After a traffic accident between a truck of the Banking and Industrial Police (PBI) and a vehicle that was transfering prisioners six persons result injured. This people were fou police officers and two bodyguards. The accident occured at 8:50 am when the patrol impact with the truck at the croosing of central shaft.

Emilio Mendoza 

The enormus and incredible crash of cars

I was watching youtube and i saw a very shocking video about a car crash.One car was driving very fast,because he was in a race. Another car was trying to reach the car in front , but the man who was trying to reach the car in front exploded , because of the speed. The car in front was distracted with the explosion and crashed with the first car. The first car went flying,while the wheels of it fall. The car landed another car , and lost control,crashing with the wall. At the end of the video the ambulance was trying to get the people out of the car, when the car fell down on top of the rescuers.Nobody dyed,but in the crash all the people involved got injured.The people who were watchin on the banks were surprise because nobody died.At the end of the race nobody won, because all lost control.
Resultado de imagen para the enormous and incredible crash of cars


miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

Car Accident in Hermosillo

4 people killed after an accident happened at Boulevard Zamora corner with St. Pueblitos. These four men where between the ages of 20-25.
The victims where trasporting in a grey, 1999 Accord.
Before getting to the St. Pueblitos the driver lost control of his vehicle, causing what we already told.

Santiago Robles

Fail school experiment leave six burn kids at Colegio de Parral

       What was a very cool and educational experience ended up in a bad way. This happened at Colegio Provincio de Parral in their Science Fair. Some students decided to make a traditional volcano experiment. Some bad measurments made the combination of alcohol and bicarbonate explode and burn the kids. Two of them were taken to the hospital for severe face burns and the other three with mind damage. What seems an educational activity ended up in tragedy. They are still making some investigations to the management of this event.
Ana Cristina Bañuelos

lunes, 18 de enero de 2016